Sunday, July 8, 2012


                DOM is a platform and language independent interface which allows applications to access and update the content or structure or styles of documents.

Why we need DOM?

                DOM is required in order to access the content of an html so that it can be operated via styles and script to make html dynamic.
Dynamic HTML
An html document which has some dynamic behaviour which occurs when some action is taken place or certain amount of time is elapsed.

How is DOM representing the html document?

                All the content of an HTML documents are represented as NODE.


                                A node is primary data type of DOM which represents a single entity of DOM.
A node can have several or no sub nodes. Sub nodes are called children were as the root node is called parent node.
                Every document has a single root node called DOCUMENT node.

What are the node types for my Document?

                Oh! That’s a nice question. Following types are supported if you are using HTML or XML document: 

1.       DOCUMENT interface
2.       Document Fragment Interface
3.       Element Interface
4.       EntityRefrence Interface
5.       Entity Interface
6.       Text Interface
7.       Comments Interface
8.       CDATASection Interface
9.       Notation Interface
10.   Attr Interface
11.   ProcessingInstruction interface and
12.   Document type Interface

Oh So many nodes… I never thought they were so many….

                Yes there are let’s see them in our page here is the code to be considered:
                <DOCTYPE html PUBLIC //-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 STRICT//EN>
                <html >
                <title>Explained DOM – HTML</title>
                <script type=’text/javascript>
                                Document.getElementById(‘#dom’).sytle.border= ‘1px solid #red’;
                <div >
                <p id=’dom’>
                                <!--this div with id as dom contains information on dom -->
                                Attr Interface  is id for this div.

For above sample file:   DOCUMENT Interface represent in DOM structure as follows
DOM tree structure


a.       DOCUMENT Interface - Is considered to be the root element of the document.
                                                          i.      Element INTERFACE only one element will be considered
                                                        ii.      Comments INTERFACErepresent additional information in the document/page (not shown to user) written between   ‘<! --’ and ‘-->’.
                                                      iii.      DOCTYPE INTERFACE only one DOCTYPE will be considered
                                                       iv.      ProcessingInstruction INTERFACE – used in xml for keeping processing specific information.
b.      DOCUMENT FRAGMENT INTERFACEis to represent a part of document and allows easy DOM manipulation. It can contain any of the following in child nodes
                                                          i.      Element INTERFACE
                                                        ii.      ProcessingInstruction INTERFACE
                                                      iii.      Comments INTERFACE
                                                      iv.      Text INTERFACERepresents any textual information in the document/page.
                                                        v.      CDATASection  INTERFACEIs used to represent the CDATA in document which is used to escape characters that have special meaning in document.
                                                      vi.      EntityReference INTERFACE
c.       DOCTYPE INTERFACE – Represents the Document type included, does not have any children.
d.      EntityRefrence INTERFACE – Represent an entity reference in the tree
                                                          i.      Element INTERFACE
                                                        ii.      ProcessingInstruction INTERFACE
                                                      iii.      Comments INTERFACE
                                                      iv.      Text INTERFACE
                                                        v.      CDATASection  INTERFACE
                                                      vi.      EntityReference INTERFACE
e.      Element INTERFACE – Represent an element (Tag) of the document. Can have following children
                                                          i.      Element INTERFACE
                                                        ii.      ProcessingInstruction INTERFACE
                                                      iii.      Comments INTERFACE
                                                      iv.      Text INTERFACE
                                                        v.      CDATASection  INTERFACE
                                                      vi.      EntityReference INTERFACE
f.        Entity INTERFACE – Represent an entity(parsed or unparsed) of the document. Can have following children
                                                          i.      Element INTERFACE
                                                        ii.      ProcessingInstruction INTERFACE
                                                      iii.      Comments INTERFACE
                                                      iv.      Text INTERFACE
                                                        v.      CDATASection INTERFACE
                                                       vi.      EntityReference INTERFACE
g.       Attr INTERFACE – Represent an attribute (properties) of an element (Tag) of the document. Can have following children
                                                          i.      Text INTERFACE
                                                        ii.      EntityReference INTERFACE
h.      Text INTERFACE – Represent textual content in an element (Tag) of the document. Does not have any children.
i.        Comments INTERFACE – Represent comments in document. Does not have any children.
j.        Notation INTERFACE- NO Children.
k.       CDATASection INTERFACE- Is used to represent the CDATA in document which is used to escape characters that have special meaning in document. Does not have any children.
l.        ProcessingInstruction INTERFACE- used in xml for keeping processing specific information. Does not have any children. 


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